Saturday, January 21, 2012

16. Pay for someone else's meal


Our family frequent's Chick Fil A. And by frequent I mean, we live less than a mile from the place and when I go through they make sure to say "tell Mark we said hello!". uh ok.

Anyway, as I was making my regular Saturday afternoon lunch stop, I decided today was the day to accomplish a goal. Yes, it was probably the easiest one on the list...but honestly I am a cheap skate so spending anymore than I already planned on spending is not exactly up my ally.

So I made the decision and then I looked behind me to see exactly who I would be blessing today. An old run down car, 1 man inside with a confederate flag bandana on his head.
Sure hope he enjoyed his two spicy chicken sandwiches, chicken wrap and bowl of chicken tortilla soup as much as I enjoyed blessing him.

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