Sunday, November 2, 2008

Be Thankful

This week a friend started a month-long blog on Thankfulness and I think it is great idea. So, sorry Denyse, I am stealing your idea:)

Today I am most thankful for good friends. I have several of them. I have some who live here, some who live there, some I see often, some not so much. Some are military, some are Texans, some are moms, some are dads, and some are kids. (I am so blessed!) I am thankful for a friend knowing more than I do about myself and being there for me when I didn't really know I needed it. I am thankful for the selfless acts of friends, thankful for the precious times we have, thankful for the good food we share, and mostly, thankful for the "honesty";).

1 comment:

Denyse said...

I'm "thankful" that you liked my idea. Plus I owed you for the New York word list :)