Sunday, November 14, 2010

Christmas Card time of year

I LOVE sending out Christmas Cards! I remember when I was young seeing all of the sample photo cards at the photo counter at Wal-mart and anticipating the time when I could do that. Lame, I know.

Well now that I have a family, I make it a point to send out Christmas cards each year. I loving knowing that our loved ones get to see how much our girls grow over the year and I loving getting the same from others.

I remember the Christmas after our oldest daughter was born. We were far away from family and my husband was 6,000 miles away in Iraq. I knew sending out Christmas cards of our newest addition was a must. I quickly uploaded an adorable picture of our new little love and mailed them out. I couldn't wait for my husband to receive his Christmas card so far away.

As our oldest grew and we added yet another little love, we have decided to use for gift ideas.
I specically remember the year we did the Monthly Calenders with photos of the girls. They were a huge hit!
As a soon to be college graduate I have really enjoyed exploring all of the adorable Graduation Announcement options that Shutterfly offers.
And as I mentioned before, I love when Christmas rolls around as it gives me the opportunity to show off our little loves on a Christmas Photo Card.

And now it is time to start thinking about our 2010 Christmas Photo Card! Check out Shutterfly's promotion for bloggers to receive 50 FREE Christmas Cards this year!

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