Friday, November 7, 2008

Frugal Momma- the CVS challenge

I came across a new blog today and she has a recurring challenge going on, the CVS challenge, and I think I am up for it. We have always been on a pretty tight budget and several years ago I made a commitment to be the annoying "coupon lady" at the counter at the commissary. Unfortunately the few coupons that I would clip each week would never make much difference in our bill, especially after those lovely "surcharges" that the commissary charges.

Anyway, back to my point. Since we have moved here I have not had to spend much on groceries since I live with my parents. But household items are inevitable. So this challenge focus' on getting your household items for cheaper in order to have more $ for your regular grocery bill or saving in my case.

So this Sunday I will be looking through the sale papers and start the CVS challenge. I will post an update next week.

I am determined to be a frugal momma!

1 comment:

Kimberly Carpenter said...

Good for you! Also check out Money Saving She posts all the CVS money makers and Walgreen bargains as well. :)