Thursday, April 3, 2008

Babies, Babies, Babies

On April 1, our good friends Mike & Kim welcomed a new baby, Ava Juliet. Kim is the wonderful photography who has taken the girls/family pictures for us. They also has a little girl Allison who is Jillian's age.

Some other good friends, Matt & Gaby also recently welcomed a new little girl, Melanie Paige (she is two weeks older than Emma). And yes, they too have another little girl, Madison, who is also Jillian's age.

So it was only appropriate that we take a picture of the babies (Madison & Jillian were available for photographs).

Gaby, Kim & I had a great time experiencing our pregnancies together. It was so nice to alwways have someone to chat to about the life growing inside of you. Gaby & I both knew the genders of our babies, but for Kim, it was a surprise. And boy was it! What are the chances we would all end up with two girls! The hubbies are in all in for an exciting ride.

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